Bay Area Early Childhood Educators Association History

Bay Area Early Childhood Educators Association, BAECE, was established in March, 2010. It is a California state and federal tax exempt, non-profit organization. BAECE was started with a community service learning process of De Anza College students, led by Dr. Li Wei Sun. BAECE offers professional development workshops for early childhood educators, age appropriate activities for young children, and assistance in ECE and childcare programs licensing. Most of the workshops and activities are free to the public. In the past years BAECE has partnered with many community agencies, including De Anza College, UC Davis, and 4C’s in promoting the quality of early childhood education in Bay Area, California.


灣區華人幼教協會,簡稱BAECE,成立於2010年3月,是加州及聯邦政府免稅的非盈利團體。協會的成立緣起於DE ANZA學院幼兒發展及教育系的社區服務活動。由孫立葳博士帶領一群熱心有理想的在職學生及家長從幼兒教育講座開始,本著"集結社區力量,提升幼教品質"的宗旨,持續開辦了一系列的教師專業成長及親職教育講座活動,協會所有活動均向社會大眾開放。