For child care workers:

• Provide professional child development and education seminars and workshops to early childhood practitioners every other month.

• Advise child care workers and assist their application and renewal of Child Development Permit with a professional growth advisor.

• Help child care workers set career goals and establish professional development records with a professional growth advisor.

For parents:

• Provide parenting seminars and workshops to parents every other month.

• Form parent support groups

• Provide creative and age-appropriate activities for children and families in the community periodically.

For Children:

• Provide high-quality age appropriate children’s programs and activities.

• Research on developmentally appropriate teaching strategies and practices for young children.

• 定期為教育從業人員提供專業的兒童教育講座。
• 為教育從業人員提供建議及為申請或更新加州幼教及課後輔導教師資格執照提供專業指導。
• 提供教育從業人員分享交流的機會。

• 定期為家長提供親職講座。
• 建立家長支援小組。
• 定期為社區孩子及家庭提供寓教于樂及良好的休閒活動。

• 定期為幼兒開辦高品質幼兒教育活動。
• 研究針對幼兒最合宜及有效的教學法。